Walk into many retail stores and already you’ll see decorations lining the rack for the upcoming festive holidays (right now we’re looking at Halloween in the US). The end of summer had yet to pass, but retailers began reminding us many weeks in advance that our shopping focus should be on the kick-off of what I like to call “The Season of Sugar”.
There’s never decorations for the house without candy (and lots of it) lining the shelves of most retailers. Candy and goodies in the various holiday shapes feel special and limited since you can only buy pumpkin or bat-shaped chocolates at this time of year. Then comes the other various familiar forms that mirror the December holidays and New Years. But we can’t get far beyond the first day of January without now being reminded to buy sugary goodies in the shape of hearts then shamrocks and then Easter eggs…
You get the picture.
Basically you will spend the next 8 months of your retail shopping life (and this includes food shopping) staring at, being tempted by and making excuses to splurge on sweets that you know you shouldn’t eat. Some of these options are probably not even gluten-free (even though you’ll read the label, see no mention of gluten and figure it’s fine), but you could be the type to rationalize why just one as a treat is okay. Or maybe you’ve looked up a list of gluten-free candy and even called the companies directly to confirm no gluten…
Any way you cut it, tis the season of sugar and it’s here to stay.
What’s a sugar addict or choco-holic to do? Perhaps you’re wondering if it would even be worth attempting to stop yourself from buying your favorite go-to items (especially if there’s a good sale). Or maybe you’ve got no willpower to say “No” while checking out as the register treats call your name? If these scenarios sound familiar, take my Sugar Addiction Quiz.
I know that you know that sugar is bad for you, but how do you get it out of your life when it’s plainly starring you in the face at every purchase. “Need toilet paper? Don’t forget a box of candy with that!” …You get the picture. If you’re wondering why you always walk out with candy or GF cookies, you aren’t alone in the darkness of consumer shopping. To gain leverage over a retail system that is skewed toward getting you to spend your hard-earned money on things you don’t need, I’m going to let you in on a little secret…
While your gut is working against you (craving sugar), so are the retailers and the food companies peddling all the sweets! Your experience walking into any given store has already been researched and is constantly being monitored (for behavior patterns which could result in increased revenue). The displays luring you in are designed to be enticing and to override your sense of making a healthier choice because you, as a consumer, have been analyzed and quantified so companies know how to reap the financial benefits of your sugar addiction. Even the strategically placed candy in spots that you can’t avoid with big signs reminding you just how ‘special and limited’ this candy is are a part of the plan to sell you more sugar.
It’s that simple, my friends. Food companies are well aware that you can’t resist treats, so they play to it. They give you exactly what you can’t get enough of and will continue so long as you do nothing to break this maze you’ve been trapped in. It’s good for business and their bottom line, but not for your waistline, teeth, skin, bloodsugar, eyes, and gut (to name a few).
So while you’re feeding your gluten-free sugar addiction, lining food companies pockets, and getting sick, consider that you CAN stop this crazy pattern. You can make better choices, but first you’ve got to learn how. The first step is deciding that you can and will do better, that your health deserves better than to relay on gluten-free goodies all the time and that you’re sick and tired of being controlled by sweets.
That’s why I’m offering my Gluten Free Sugar Cleanse as a path for GF folks like yourself to who need the guidance and support to make this happen. It’s a simple and straight-forward way to learn about sugar and a plan on how to get it out of your life so that you have the willpower to finally decide when to have a treat. Check it out here…
Do you think that the retailers and candy companies are on your side?
Or do you think that they’re just profiting from your sweet tooth?