Jennifer lays it all out for all of us in this book. This is extremely helpful for folks who don’t know a thing about storing food or cooking or who are new to gluten free and want to learn about the different grains and products out there. It’s also helpful for those of us who do know how to cook but need to learn more. I always have some vegetable that goes bad because I don’t store it properly so it’s really cool to learn how to do all that. Plus the recipes are helpful in creating your own meal plan (which she talks about as well). She isn’t all judge-y about eating organic only and understands that not everyone can afford it. She has many tips spread out throughout the book from bargaining shopping to meal planning. This book is definitely worth the read (and the money). By the way, the companion guide (free; info inside the book) that you can download with this book is so freaking helpful as well. Love this book!