Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS
Check Out My Resources
Welcome – I’m Jennifer!
I’m an integrative clinical nutritionist helping women to identify and beat their never-ending IBS issues and chronic skin rashes frustrations.
As a clinical nutritionist, I empower women who’ve been failed by conventional medicine to beat chronic skin and unending gut challenges. I love what I do because it means you can get back to a more normal life.
You really are speaking to someone who truly *gets* what you’re going through! I have a lengthy history of gut issues and eczema myself so I’m never grossed out.
I work with clients virtually and consult on cases all over the US, Canada and even as far away as Hong Kong and Australia! And I’m constantly sharing research on my blogs and podcasts!
Need help with gut and digestive problems? Join me HERE
Got frustrating Skin Rash issues? Join me HERE
Tune into my 2x/week podcast — The Healthy Skin Show!
Need help or have a question? –> Contact me HERE