Jennifer Fugo, CNS

How Gluten & Gut Health Impact Your Brain with Dr. Charles Parker: GFS Podcast 036

dr charles parker

Gluten Free Brain Function with Dr. Charles Parker

This week’s Gluten Free School Podcast speaks with Dr. Charles Parker about the reasons why you’ve got to strive for optimal gluten free brain function and how gluten is impeding a good quality of living and thinking.

The following points were discussed:

00:44 — Introducing Dr. Charles Parker, neuroscience consultant, child and adult psychiatrist and a psychopharmacologist. He discusses how psych medications interfere with the immune system, brain neurotransmitters and gut regulation, as well as exacerbate gluten-sensitivity issues.

03:37 — How digestive transit time has become so important helping psychiatric patients who don’t do well on medication.

06:47 — What transit time and brain neurotransmitters mean for brain health.

08:56 — The connection between transit time and liver function, and how it affects how even at small doses of medications ability to work.

10:28 — The inadequacy of the current medical diagnostic manual and how psychiatry today completely disregards current clear medical evidence that could help patients feel better.

13:48 — The problem with ADHD diagnosis, and what treatment failure means in 80% of cases.

16:11 — Diet suggestions for someone who thinks they have ADHD.

19:52 — Food sensitivity testing options available for all budgets.

21:59 — Why GI specialists, immunologists and traditional doctors don’t care about brain function.

24:32 — Difference between IgG and IgE and why they are both important, and the 3 foods that should typically be removed from one’s diet.

31:52 — Dr. Parker’s book New ADHD Medication Rules: Brain Science and Common Sense and how to get in contact with him.


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Jennifer: Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the Gluten Free School Podcast. I’m your host, Jennifer Fugo. Today we’re going to talk about how immunity and psych meds contribute to issues like ADHD and bipolar, how it feeds into this whole gluten-sensitivity issue, everything. We’re talking about mental health. It’s an important issue. I know I’ve talked a lot about this lately. And I don’t think honestly it gets talked about enough because there’s constantly more questions that come up about it.

So today, I have Dr. Charles Parker who’s going to join me to talk about his experience in this field. He’s a neuroscience consultant, child and adult psychiatrist and a psychopharmacologist. You can find more detailed information about him over at

He specializes in diagnostic and medical services for troubled children, adolescents and adults. His broad range from clinical experience of psychoanalysis to substance abuse to psychopharmacology and SPECT neuro-imaging. All of that combine together with his experience in systems functional medicine and biomedical assessments provides a comprehensive foundation for treatment, interventions and recommendations.

So Dr. Parker, welcome to the Gluten Free School Podcast.

Dr. Parker: Thanks for inviting me, Jennifer. I’m going to have to change that whole intro. I’ve got to break it up a little bit, it’s too much.

Jennifer: Well, why don’t you give us the more condensed personal version of who you are and how you got into this field of interest.

Dr. Parker: Well, what I’ve been doing in a way is chasing the dragon of not-knowing. I’m a non-recovering boy scout. I was an Eagle Scout as a kid. I got my God and Country, I did the whole thing as a kid. And I really started looking under rocks when I was younger. I am chasing evidence. And everything that you just read about were a bunch of words that have to do with chasing evidence.

What’s going on in psychiatry is a rapid, enormous mushrooming of available evidence that tells us about brain function. And so what’s evident is in Philly – you were in Philly. I did seven additional years of training in psychoanalysis in Philly. I’m a fully-trained psychoanalyst, doing the classical on-the-couch and the whole thing.

So back in those days, back in Philly, the two important questions in an initial interview were, “What are your dreams? And what are your fantasies?”

Jennifer: Interesting…

Dr. Parker: Yeah. Now my favorite question is, “How many times a day do you go number 2?”

Jennifer: Really?

Dr. Parker: I kind of wait in the interview until I get there because that’s going to be a big deal because I see so many people who have been bounced around years and years, decades of taking medications. The psych medications don’t work if you don’t understand the underlying physiology especially the physiology that’s involved with your program. The gluten-sensitivity and the immune system dysregulation is completely messed up. Psych meds all the time. Not once in a while, all the time!

Jennifer: Can I ask you a question real quick?

Dr. Parker: Sure.

Jennifer: So is it that people are being given psych meds when it’s potentially not the right thing to do or that they might need psych meds, but then the gut issues or autoimmunity or gluten issues whatever are not allowing those medications to work to those fullest?

Dr. Parker: It’s both of them. I’ve had people I was just mentioning to a client that I talked to earlier, I thought she was going to be institutionalized the rest of her life. She’s in her chair over in the room here. She’s psychotic. She’s hallucinating. She’s scratching her face. And in the whole process of it, I asked her the Number 2 question. Well, the Number 2 question, I’ve got a whole bunch of material on transit time from the mouth to the south. Since I’m on it, I’ll tell you about her in a second.

The transit time is very sophisticated, extremely expensive test that most people just wouldn’t grasp because it’s so arcane and difficult. You buy a can of corn, you eat the can of corn on an empty stomach after breakfast. You look at your watch and see how long it takes to hit the toilet. It’s very complicated.

Jennifer: Well, that’s an easy thing because we’re all familiar like eating an ear of corn in the summer time and then you see it on the toilet.

Dr. Parker: That’s it! So and then you just look at your watch and it should be 18-24 hours. I’ve had people say, “Parker, I have no problem with no. 2. I go every day.” I’m like, “Okay, well let me ask you this…” We don’t get into the size of the stool often, but we get into the stool, what’s going on, history of constipation and diarrhea, but they’ll say, “I go every day. It’s like I eat breakfast and I can see breakfast in the toilet.” So they go every day, but the transit time by definition is very short.

I got another guy who is a project manager, who’s doing the guy/guy thing, very kind of opposing. He works with blue-collar. He’s very smart, but he tells guys what to do.

I’m giving him some medications. He’s got obvious problems with his wife. He’s about ready to get divorced because he screams and curses at his wife. He says, “I don’t know what I’m doing. She says I’m doing this. I’m not doing it.”

I said, “Are you using marijuana? Are you an alcoholic?” I went through the basic things.

He said, “I have no problem with that.”

So I said, “And you’re not responding well to the medications. Let me ask you again that question I asked in the first visit. How many times a day do you go number 2.”

He said, “Parker, you’re a psychiatrist, but I think you have a disturbing anal fixation.”

The bottom line, he did the corn test. He said, “I hate to tell you, you were right. I ate the corn on Friday. It didn’t come through for ten days.”

Ten days! The guy was toxic on his own doo-doo, major toxic on his own doo-doo.

Jennifer: So what does this play into? For a lot of us who are gluten-sensitive who have got issues, who may have celiac disease, another autoimmune condition, there’s a lot of gut dysregulation, what is the connection you’re seeing between the transit time as you’re discussing and then ‘getting diagnosed’ with these various mental health issues or conditions?

Dr. Parker: Here’s the thing. We could talk for an hour. I know we have a limited amount of time, but it’s terribly interesting. And by the way, I’ve written about it extensively. I have over 400 articles on my website about this stuff. But here’s what it comes down to in a very brief way.

If the transit time is either too fast or too slow, then the bowel isn’t working efficiently either in the sense of bringing nutrients into the body correctly and the nutrients or amino acids that form the neurotransmitters.

So you could be completely deficient in neurotransmitters and your body doesn’t make them up if there are no amino acids coming in. You can be very large and obese and be completely malnourished, or you can be skinny and be malnourished. It doesn’t matter which way it goes. But if you have a deficiency of neurotransmitters and we’re putting neurotransmitter collectors in– which is what psych meds do, they don’t put neurotransmitters in the brain— they collect the neurotransmitters that are already in the brain.

So using a chicken-catching metaphor, if you were to send 19 guys into a chicken ranch to collect chickens that aren’t there, what’s going to happen to those 19 guys? They’re going to bump into each other, bounce off the walls and get very irritated. And that’s what it feels like when you’re taking medications that are incorrect. And so what happens is they don’t work correctly.

Now there’s another reason they don’t work correctly independent of insufficiency of neurotransmitters. The other thing that can happen is the liver becomes decompensated because it’s working overtime to try and correct and take care of what the bowel is not doing correctly regarding the detox process. So then what happens is – and guess which organ all the psych meds have to pass through to get into the brain? Let’s think about this. It’s pretty complicated.

So then you’ve got the whole Cytochrome P450 system, which then is not going to be – it’s not going to be closed entirely (which I’m really interested in this CYP450). It’s not going to be closed entirely and it’s going to be slowed down.

So you could be with your doctor and your doctor say, “Martha, you don’t have a problem with your liver. Your liver is fine. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The problem is the meds are slow going through the liver, which is not measurable by looking at liver cell death. You can’t measure that rate. You could only measure it by say, “Gee, you seem to be accumulating these medications and getting toxic with just a small dose.” Well, that’s a liver slowing even independent of the Cytochrome P450 based on a bowel problem because the liver is working over time.

And indeed, the liver is constipated. I call it the bulletproof liver. The liver is constipated behind the bowel being constipated. The liver could be constipated even if the bowel has diarrhea.

Jennifer: Oh! That’s great. So for somebody who has a gluten-sensitivity issue or they’re celiac, let’s just say, we know there’s a gut issue and they’re struggling with depression or ADHD or any of these other clinical things. What do you think is one of the first things that they should consider before they potentially say yes to medication that number 1 could have all sorts of funky side effects, but two, as you’re saying, isn’t really addressing the problem?

Dr. Parker: Well, I write a lot about the inadequacy of the current diagnostic manual and the fact that it completely – read my lips – completely disregards biomedical evidence. So what happens is…

Jennifer: What is that? What is biomedical evidence for people who don’t know?

Dr. Parker: What we’re talking about given the casein sensitivity. Sorry, it’s basically, “Let’s find out what’s going on. Let’s measure it.” So we’ll do an IgG and see what’s going on. “Let’s run them over to Cyrex and see which sub-sections of the gluten are actually breaking down,” which is very interesting fact.

I just did a post on Aristo Vojdani who is the guy who is the Chief Scientific Adviser for Cyrex. I don’t work for Cyrex. I’m just fascinated by the work they do. It’s all clear medicine. It’s not just gluten. There are other pieces of gluten.

And I think Dr. Perlmutter mentioned this when you were interviewing him, the whole idea that there’s just one little piece of gluten that’s problematic when really, the wheat has so many other sub-sections of protein markers that could be aberrant.

And then what happens is many people get missed. I’ve missed them myself. That’s the reason I’m so passionate about it. I can’t tell you the number of people that I’ve missed when I was really seriously chasing this down and trying to measure it.

If somebody is having a problem with meds on my watch – and I’ve got a patient that’s listening to me – and I’m doing the right thing psychopharmacologically and it’s not working, I have to assume (as I did with that project manager) something else is going on and we have to measure it.

Well I hate it when I’m measuring and I’m not right because the measurement doesn’t show what it is.

So then we get into these other measurements and other tools and so on and so forth. I won’t belabor that. The bottom line is what’s going on in psychiatry today is that none of that is on the radar.

In fact, think about this, one of the reasons I wrote this book New ADHD Medication Rules: Brain Science and Common Sense is because we aren’t using brain science, how could we possibly be using common sense? If you don’t know what you’re doing, is there a common-sensical answer?

To me, ADHD is the low-hanging fruit because it’s the most misdiagnosed, mismanaged and mistreated condition on the planet.

Jennifer: And since you brought that up, I get a lot of questions about that from mothers that are very frustrated. They have children that are struggling with ADHD. What do you think that is? What are some things that they should potentially consider because the only options they’re being told right now are to medicate their kids.

Dr. Parker: Yes.

Jennifer: We know a lot of the stuff like try and take out the food dyes, maybe try gluten, try casein, take out all these particular allergens. But from your perspective – obviously this is something you deal with – what is this and what should they be considering?

Dr. Parker: Well, I’m going to give you the big picture and then how to address the big picture. The big picture is – and I’ve written a post about it – there are more than a hundred comorbid conditions that cause ADHD, the symptoms of ADHD. So the issue is it would take us a very long time to break all those different things down.

My feeling is they need to be in our repertoire of consideration as opposed to not being considered at all, but what happens with the diagnostic coding system – you have dark hair. You look like you’re a brunette when I’m looking at you on Skype here. Well the issue is that’s like me saying, “I treat brunettes a certain way because I’m going to judge your appearance and I treat people based on appearances alone.”

That’s the entire problem with ADHD. Hyperactivity and inattention are the criteria. Where does hyperactivity begin and end? Where does inattention begin and end? What are the targets we’re actually shooting at? They’re completely amorphous.

Whereas if we get down and get into the biology and the neuroscience, we look at everything from SPECT brain imaging, which I’m not recommending because it’s too expensive. But if you’ve done thousands of imaging experiences with human being sitting right next to you, you can see that the brain is corrupted in the pre-frontal cortex and inefficient based on a variety of different things most importantly, in my opinion, if you’re looking at causal factors, 80% of the treatment failures, 80% of the treatment failures in my office have positive gluten and casein sensitivity testing on IgG – eighty percent!

Jennifer: Wow! Eighty percent?

Dr. Parker: Yeah.

Jennifer: And so what if you see this in an adult, like a woman that comes in that might be having that same issue. She’s like, “I really feel like I’ve had these issues since I was a kid. I’m still struggling with this now as an adult. It’s harming my lifestyle, my ability to work and function.” Would you just say the same thing, “Start there. Start with gluten. Start with dairy and take those things out initially and see what happens.”

Dr. Parker: Well, that’s a reasonable point and there’s nothing wrong with that. I wouldn’t object it, because I think smart people should do something like that. But the reason I don’t do that, I’m kind of a distant follower of my friend, Galileo from the 1600’s. Galileo said, “Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so.”

Think about it. Measure what you can, but if you can’t measure it, still think about how you’re going to quantify and qualify it in some constructive way as opposed to being amorphous and remaining in the world of amorphous thinking without any idea of what you’re doing. Let’s measure it up and get tight about it.

I tend to be a proponent – I’ll tell you why. I’ll tell you about a woman. She’s a very interesting woman. Yale graduate, she’s a noteworthy coach, executive coach. She personally works with me and I was joking with her. I said, “We finally got some testing done with you.” This is many years ago, probably about five years ago. We did some testing and I’m joking her because her last name is Irish. I said, “Well, at least we won’t have to worry about you having a garlic problem.”  She wasn’t Italian. I was just messing around with her, you know.

We opened it up and she was off-the-chart allergic to garlic. We wouldn’t have known that if we didn’t measure. It turns out, the informed person that she was, she was eating a whole garlic on a regular basis because she knew she had a gut problem and she thought that the allicin would somehow help her with her gut and she was absolutely bedridden. She was completely unable to work. She was worried about losing her entire practice because she was bedridden. She did have some other problems which were right there parallel, but we would never have known to stop the garlic, so if we didn’t see the testing.

So I’m a proponent of testing. I’m fine with trying some things, but I’m also expecting if you don’t look at 97 foods and you only do two, now I don’t know you well enough to know where you are with the elimination diet. I tend to be against the elimination diet because in my way of thinking, I want to measure what is measurable and make that as a criteria for our next motion because hey! I’m a psychiatrist and I’m doing this, it’s a little on the weird side for psychiatrists.

Jennifer: Well I think what you’re doing is, I would say more ‘progressive’ than ‘weird’.

Dr. Parker: I think of myself as so actual conservative that I appear liberal. So then what happens is I have this paradoxical presentation. But anyway, the bottom line is so I measured it and she was out of bed in a week. She was out of bed and back to work because we took the garlic out of her system.

Jennifer: And so when you say, “I want to test a person,” what tests? Are you saying that you use Cyrex Labs then as the…?

Dr. Parker: I use Cyrex. It depends on what their economics are because we’re trying to temper the winds to the shorn lamb. I mean, there’s one lab that we have, which – honestly, forgive me because the name doesn’t come to my mind right away, but we can do five foods based on that and send in the blood for five foods where a person doesn’t have the economics.

Then there’s Great Plains, which I know very well because we used them for a long period of time, $219 for 97 foods. Well that’s a very reasonable level, but the problem with Great Plains —I love them to do death, they do a great job— they miss it because they’re only testing for two sub-factions of gluten. The reason that I’m so enamored with Cyrex is they do the complete panel in my opinion.

Now their Array 3, which David Perlmutter, MD recommends is $320. But to me, if you’ve suffered for a long period of time and you could spend $320 taking a group out to dinner, why would you not go ahead and take care of yourself?

The problem is in the end, my feeling is – first of all, right now, the problem is the insurance companies don’t cover it— in the end, in the next ten years, insurance companies will cover it because it’s going to save them thousands of dollars in costs for psychiatric bills, running around, not being able to find out that the meds aren’t working, just seeing psychiatrists repeatedly, multiple hospitalizations are based on this.

This woman with bipolar illness, we fixed her hallucinations by taking her off of milk. She was no longer hallucinating. It’s not fiction. It’s not make-believe. I’ve seen it personally. I wouldn’t believe it, to tell you the truth, if I didn’t see it in my office to tell you the truth.

Jennifer: And so these issues where people are having obviously such incredible – I don’t even – they’re just like you said, cannot work, they’re starting to fear for their livelihood, maybe they’re headed for divorce if they’ve already not gone there, it’s ruining their relationships, how is it that these proteins are causing so much disturbance in the brain?

I have been taking anatomy and physiology and I learned about something called the blood-brain barrier that’s supposed to keep out a lot different chemicals and things like that to protect the brain. But obviously, the brain is getting affected by these and other things (like you had the example of the women very sensitive garlic). Do you have any ideas on why the brain is being so triggered by food?

Dr. Parker: There is a direct way and there’s an indirect way just to summarize it really quickly. The indirect way is through the neurotransmitter corruptions where they don’t have enough chickens in the ranch. So that’s indirectly because they’re just malnourished and their brain malnourished. The brain is the new canary in the coal mind.

Now why do GI people and immunologist say IgG is snake oil? This is an important point because many of your listeners will go to their doctor and the doctor will say, “IgG is ridiculous!” I call it the ‘ghost immunoglobulin’. IgG is the ghost immunoglobulin in contrast to IgE, which is the ‘emergency immunoglobulin’. So a person can remember what they’re talking about when they talk to their physician and they say, “That IgG is all snake oil.” It’s snake oil to them because the literature they’re reading is life and death literature acuity. The literature I’m reading is brain literature chronicity.

So from their point of view, they don’t care about the brain. They’re not really interested in brains. It’s not their target. They’re interested in, “Are you going to die?”

“Martha, you’re not going to die with this. Give me a break. You go to the bathroom every three days, who cares?”

Well, Martha cares because her brain is not working, right? But that’s not on his radar and he doesn’t read the literature regarding brain function because it’s not on his radar. And so that’s what happens.

Jennifer: And so just to clarify because there may be some people who aren’t entirely clear with what IgG and what IgE are – and those are immunoglobulins in the system – but what is the difference between the reaction? What would be the physical reaction that someone would experience with those two so just they know?

Dr. Parker: That’s an important point. Thanks for asking the question. IgE is you eat shrimp, you swell up and die. That’s why they’re all into IgE because your tongue will swell up and you give hives and everybody has had that experience with an allergic condition. It’s kind of a poison ivy reaction if you will.

Jennifer: And that’s why you called it the IG-emergency.

Dr. Parker: Yes, because think of it as acuity. IgG is the ghost because in fact, many, many people that I see have no idea they have a problem. So they’ve worked it on their mind, every other day, no. 2 is not a problem; the ulcers and sores in their mouth, “It’s not a problem. I just get them every once in a while. My gastroesophageal reflux with the Protonix and blah-blah-blah, It’s just the way my stomach is. I think I ate too much pizza. It’s not a problem.”

They come in telling me it’s not a problem. I’m saying, “I’m like a dog chasing a rabbit when you say that. If I smell a rabbit, I’m going to bark one way, but when I see a rabbit, I’m going to get crazy. I’m going to bark and bark and bark. It’s a big deal. You, my friend, are a rabbit sitting right here in front of me.”

And I want you to really think about this because the G doesn’t show most of the time as a specific set. So a person will say they do IgG testing. They go off their wheat, their milk and their eggs. By the way, I call that – you’ll get a kick out of this because you’re from Philadelphia, I call it the ‘New Jersey Trifecta’, okay? I do so much testing, I call it the ‘New Jersey Trifacta’. No disrespect to anybody in the New Jersey. I think it’s having been raised in Philadelphia.

But the bottom line is the New Jersey Trifecta in the order that they win in the horse race is milk, eggs and wheat – in that order. Wheat is a slow third from my observations.

Now you get in with the guys who were with Cyrex and these immunology geniuses, their cross-reactions and so on and so forth (I’m not going to go into that), but the bottom line is if they have a problem, very frequently, it’s completely quiescent. That’s why I call it the ‘ghost’ immunoglobulin.

Now if a person goes off of a diet, they’ve been on an IgG diet and they go off and they say, “Gee, I hate a whole cake the other day and I didn’t have a problem. I wasn’t sick.” Well, that’s apples and oranges. They’re saying, “I didn’t have an IgE reaction to something that I previously only had an IgG reaction with anyway.” So they aren’t sick because they never had an IgE reaction in the first place. So they’re going back and thinking, “I should have a reaction.”

Now sometimes a person will as you know (because you talk to people all the time). Some people will have an IgE reaction to an IgG food, but many don’t, so they’re like, “Well, I guess I can eat it.”

I had a guy in California who consulted me from Santa Barbara. We did brain scans, the whole thing. His brain looked like Swiss cheese on a brain scan, okay? He was depressed. He thought he had Alzheimer’s because he couldn’t even think anymore. He said his brain was going out the window. I did the testing and he had very significant both milk and wheat allergies.

I took him off of it. He got dramatically better. He’s like, “Oh, my gosh! I haven’t felt as good in my entire adult life.” Yes, we mixed a few medications because they were helpful.

He called me back a year later. He said, “Parker,” he said, “I’m suicidal, man. I got to talk to you.” I’m like, “What’s going on? Are you taking the medications?” He says, “Yeah, I’ve been taking the medications. I’m doing fine with the medications.” I said, “Well, are you still on a diet?” He said, “What diet?” I said, “The diet that we talked about… this whole…” He says, “Oh, I saw a nutritionist out here in California and she said if you’re off of it for six months, your gut heals, you’re okay. Not a problem.”

I said, “Let me ask you this key question.” You’ll get a kick out of this. “How many times a day you go no. 2?” He says, “I’m going somewhere between seven and eight times a day.”

Jennifer: Oh, my God!

Dr. Parker: I said, “Look, Marvin, your neurotransmitters are all going completely down the toilet. You have no neurotransmitters. You could take all the Effexor you want. It’s not going to work if you don’t have chickens in the ranch, buddy.”

And so he got on the diet and went around. He was back in two weeks again because the neurotransmitters built up naturally. You don’t have to treat the person with neurotransmitter precursors which we do sometimes to fill in the gaps. We actually measure neurotransmitters through urine and actually see that the person is low on neurotransmitters.

Now we do IgG. We do urine. We also do hair analysis of all things. It sounds very flaky, but hair tells you what’s going on with the trace elements that have been compromised and the trace elements significantly affect the enzymes that form the neurotransmitters. So we’re not working in just the synapse. We’re working with pre- pre-synaptically to get the neurotransmitters adjusted.

So it sounds kind of flaky for a board certified psychiatrist to be talking this way, but as I’ve said before, the science is compelling.

Jennifer: That’s so fascinating. I have to say, I find it to be so – I don’t know, almost revolutionary that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many physicians and nutritionists and dietitians and other medical professionals that are willing to go against the current tide or whatever is the status quo and say, “You know what? This isn’t working for people. We’re not really helping anyone. We have to go back and figure out what the root cause of the problem is so that people can get better.”

I mean, that was the whole point of becoming a doctor. That’s what my father said. That was the point of him becoming a doctor. He always wanted to help people get better, not to just manage their symptoms and hope maybe they’ll feel alright or reasonably functional for years to come.

So it’s really cool to listen to you talk about this kind of stuff. I can tell that you’re very passionate and excited about this topic. So I would hope that maybe you’ll come back and we can dive into some of these pieces and pick them apart a little bit deeper because I think that people are getting a sense of what you do and this way, we can get a few more smaller subtopics and break them open and have the time to do that.

Would that be of interest to you?

Dr. Parker: Oh, I would consider it a privilege. Jennifer, I think you’re a remarkable interview person to tell you the truth and it’s a privilege being here with you and your audience. Thank you very much.

Jennifer: Well, thank you. So Dr. Parker, you have a book that everybody can get called New ADHD Medication Rules: Brain Science and Common Sense, correct? Everybody can go out and get that?

Dr. Parker: Yes, ma’am. It’s up in Amazon. And by the way, we have an Audible. We’re doing an Audible launch right now. If people want to sign up for the possibility for being drawn on a free Audible book, we have 25 of them worked out at Core Psych with Audible, so they can get that at Core Psych.

Jennifer: Cool! And I will definitely post your website below, but it’s if they’re interested in coming to see you personally, you are located in Virginia, yes?

Dr. Parker: Yes, ma’am. Yup! We do virtual all over the world though. We see people in Taiwan, in Paris. What happens is when you’re on the edge like this, they realize there are not a lot of people around. So then we try to work with physicians. I’m interested in not saying negative things about my colleagues. I’m interested in trying to work as a team member anywhere in the world. So if we can send a recommendation and help from a distance, we’ll do that as well.

Jennifer: That’s awesome. That is great! Well, everybody please remember to stay in touch with Dr. Parker. He’s got a great website with what? You said over 400 articles on there that people can go and peruse?

Dr. Parker: Yes, ma’am.

Jennifer: So please go and do that. And thank you so much, Dr. Parker for joining us.

Dr. Parker: Thank you, Jennifer. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

Jennifer: Alright, everybody, remember to subscribe, rate and review this podcast and then head over to Gluten Free School and leave your questions and comments under the podcast for myself, for Dr. Parker. Let us know what you’d love to learn more about and we will definitely have him back. Thanks so much for joining. I will see you guys the next time. Bye bye.

The links referred to in this episode are:

Dr. Parker’s Website —

New ADHD Medication Rules: Brain Science & Common Sense  — Get the book!

Follow Dr. Parker on:



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