Jennifer Fugo, CNS

Quiz: Are you a Gluten-Free Sugar Addict?

Chocolate brownie cake, dessert with nuts on dark background, directly above, flat lay

Do you feel confused about whether your sweet tooth is actually a more significant problem?

Are you kidding yourself about how bad your cravings for sugar, chocolate and/or carbs might be?

I have a quick and easy way for you to find out exactly where you are in relation to being a gluten-free sugar addict. By answering some questions, you can clearly see where you fall and learn if now is the time to stop kidding yourself and making some changes that will actually make a difference.

Here is my 10-question quiz to help you know in a few moments if you just are an occasional indulger in gluten-free sweets OR if you’ve got a more serious issue on your hands to which you want to give more attention.

Are you a Gluten-Free Sugar Addict?

1) Do you crave sugar?

2) Do you feel complete after eating a meal without having dessert?

3) What type of snacks do you crave? (Pick all options that apply to you.)

4) Did you struggle with sugar, carbs and/or chocolate before going gluten-free?
  • Yes, I was already addicted. (2 points)
  • Sometimes, but I could manage it at times. (1 point)
  • No (0 points)
5) Has your situation gotten worse now that you’re gluten-free?
  • Yes, things are way out of control! (3 points)
  • Things are the same as before. (2 points)
  • I don’t have an issues at all. (0 points)
6) Would you describe yourself as … (pick all that apply)
  • Sugar Junkie (3 points)
  • Carboholic (3 points)
  • Chocolate Addict (2 points)
  • having a Sweet Tooth (2 points)
7) If gluten-free treats come into your home, will you…
  • Eat everything and maybe run to the store to get more. (3 points)
  • Control yourself and only eat 1 or 2. (2 points)
  • Avoid them and give everything away since it will just sit & go bad. (0 points)
8) How do you feel about your addiction?
  • It’s totally out-of-control (3 points)
  • I manage it pretty well, but I still struggle quite a bit. (2 points)
  • It’s definitely not an addiction.  I like an occasional sweet, but I can go without it. (1 point)
9) Can you imagine your life without sweets, carbs and/or chocolate?
  • No, I think I’d die! (3 points)
  • I’m willing to swap out the junk for healthier sweets, but I’d still like to have some treats. (2 points)
  • Yes and I’ve already made headway getting this food our of my diet. (1 point)
10) Do you have or are prone to any of the following issues? (Pick all that apply to you even if you take medication to control it.)
  • Elevated cholesterol (3 points)
  • Diabetes (3 points)
  • Metabolic Syndrome (2 points)
  • Yeast infections (3 points)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2 points)
  • Urinary Tract Infections (2 points)

Now add up your total from each question to see where you are…

0  to  10   ~~   You’re in Control!

11  to  30   ~~   Battling Your Sweet Tooth

30+   ~~   Total Junkie

If you find yourself in level 1 “You’re in Control!”; congratulations!  You’re doing great work, so keep it up!

For my friends who are landing in “Battling Your Sweet Tooth” and “Total Junkie”, then listen up…

Something’s got to give because staying where you are, tied to and controlled by whatever your addiction is (be it sugar, carbs or chocolate), isn’t serving your greater goals to be healthy.

Yes, healthy gluten-free diets do include occasional indulges.  They also stress less about what they eat, don’t hide their addiction from family members or friends, nor make excuses for why eating so many or much of whatever the vice of choice is okay.  Just because you worked out really hard, had a bad day, or are under a lot of stress means that you have license to go wild with the treats.

If you want to learn more about the damage you’re situation could be doing to your body in both the short-term and long-term, then check out my free video training series — Gluten-Free Sugar Addict’s Guide: 3 Steps to Taming your Sweet Tooth! It’s completely FREE!

Click HERE to Watch the Videos!

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