Here you can find kind words and praise from my clients!
Client Testimonials

Jennifer Fugo is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to learn more about how to take control of their skin problems. Jennifer dives into the latest scientific research, and she has a unique ability to break down complex scientific concepts into clear and concise terms that anyone can comprehend. Her fire and drive to understand the science behind skin disease has helped her clients to address the root cause issues of their problems instead of just masking symptoms. Plus, her savvy and acumen along with her friendly and engaging demeanor makes The Healthy Skin Show one of my favorite podcasts – I’m a huge fan!
Before I started seeing Jennifer about my eczema, I thought I would never get it to stop. I developed eczema in my mid-thirties seemingly out of nowhere and it caused great stress in my life. I had extremely itchy discoid eczema that later developed into eczema all over my hands and limbs.
I saw an acupuncturist, a naturopath, an herbalist, and multiple dermatologists, but nothing seemed to help much. That all changed when I started working with Jen. She helped me to identify the root cause of my eczema and put me on a plan to address it while providing me with multiple tools to help me better manage my rashes.
I used to get pretty depressed as a result of my eczema and I never felt like I had much control. Jen helped to change all of that and now my eczema is totally manageable. I’m so grateful that I found Jen online. It’s been so nice to work with her, especially since she understands what I’ve been going through based on her own struggles with eczema. Plus Jen has given me a renewed positive outlook on life and the power to understand my skin… for that I am grateful.

Jennifer Fugo is a wonderful resource for anyone with a chronic skin condition. She is a gold mine! Her passion comes from her own personal experience with using diet and lifestyle to resolve her own problems with eczema. If you want to know the latest research and insights on how to take control of your skin health and overcome psoriasis, eczema or other chronic skin issues, the Healthy Skin Show is your best resource! Jennifer will empower you to take control and rebuild your skin and your confidence! I love her work and you will too!

As a clinical nutritionist, Jennifer shines when it comes to getting the information into the hands of the people!
She is truly a thought-leader, breaking the mold when it comes to traditional, limited concepts regarding skin health.
Changing how rashes, acne and other chronic skin conditions are discussed and treated is a personal passion for Jen—having dealt with her own eczema, her empathy is palpable. Her willingness to be human and transparent with her own journey lends both a kind hand and a brilliant guiding light of hope, to others suffering with skin problems of their own.
Before working with Jennifer, I was MISERABLE. My stomach hurt every day, I had chronic diarrhea, rashes, and felt so RUN DOWN!!! Due to constant embarrassing trips to the bathroom, I did not want to go do things I enjoy doing. I was on edge wondering if my stomach would “act up” during the event and would avoid eating at parties or a friend’s house in case my issues got triggered. I had been gluten-free for several years at that point and was feeling worse than before I removed gluten.
I reached out to Jennifer and she created a program based on my individual test results after listening to me and asking LOTS of questions. The biggest surprise was that she didn’t require any MAJOR diet changes!!!!! I had assumed I’d be removing MORE foods from my diet. The first few days I went without stomach pain for the first time in 6 months, I wanted to cry tears of joy!!
Since working with Jennifer, I no longer depend on Immodium to get me through my days, and my stomach pain, brain fog, and bloating are gone. I am enjoying more of a social life and think more about what my body needs to stay in balance. I have so much more energy, can keep up with a busy work schedule, and still feel like a human being when I am with my family.
Contacting Jennifer was one of the best health decisions I’ve made! She is a wealth of information and is SO easy to talk to. She LISTENED to me and reviewed my health history which led us down roads I had not explored before. She is VERY KNOWLEDGABLE but delivers the information in a way that is easy to understand.
Before working with Jennifer, I constantly felt sick to my stomach. I was stuck in the bathroom with diarrhea multiple times a day and was exhausted all the time. To make matters worse, I had become afraid to eat or felt guilty about eating certain foods thinking they might be to blame for my issues.
Fortunately, I found Jennifer who patiently waded through my ridiculous list of symptoms, complicated health history and an endless stack of lab results. She was able to identify the foods that were really bothering me so I could get back to enjoying food again. And, she was able to build a completely personal protocol to get my health back on track.
A lot has changed since we started this process together. Feeling sick is a rare occasion now! My diarrhea is gone. I finally feel normal again.
I can’t believe I lived in that miserable state of health for so long, just accepting it as “normal” (when it’s not). It feels so incredible to be able to eat with confidence and not land in the bathroom after every meal!
My son, Luke, has had behavioral problems, food sensitivities and various rashes from his scalp to his feet for more than 7 years. He has been taken to a variety of professionals, from pediatricians to dermatologists to neurologists to psychiatrists to holistic and functional medicine doctors. I also researched quite extensively myself and implemented various treatments and diet changes with minimal improvement. In September 2018, I heard about Jennifer through the Eczema and Psoriasis Week Event. I contacted her and we began working together to get to the bottom of Luke’s chronic problems.
After thoroughly reviewing Luke’s most recent labwork, Jennifer pointed out severe problems with Luke’s gut (dysbiosis) as the likely underlying cause of his conditions. She came up with a personalized plan to rebalance his gut first, which has already led to dramatic improvements in his behavior, anxiety, and the appearance of his rashes. She also has made several topical suggestions which have further helped his skin to improve. My husband and I cannot thank Jennifer (and Jennifer) enough for their guidance as we continue to walk through this healing journey with our son.
For the better part of 25 years, I’ve was frustrated and embarrassed by awful dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis). Dark clothes were the bane of my existence because within an hour I’d look like I was covered in snow. My hairline would become a frightful reddish pink with huge thick flakes peeling away from my scalp. I tried all sorts of shampoos and “natural remedies”, but nothing worked. Not even anything my doctors tried.
As a last ditch effort of hope, I began working with Jennifer. I loved her practicalness and energy because it gave me hope and she made it very clear that I had a partner to help me which meant a lot.
I have to be honest… at first, I was skeptical of her plan. She determined from testing and our long visits that my gut and liver were out of balance. I’d never heard this before and it seemed like a leap. But I followed her directions and I saw my flare-ups and flakes get less and less. Today, I am 98% clear and flare-free, and no longer need any special dandruff shampoos.
For the first time, I can wear something dark and not worry or panic. I just can’t even begin to express my gratitude for all of your hard work, Jen. I wish I’d found you sooner.
I had been diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2000 and continued to have stomach aches, diarrhea and itchy, dry eczema rashes on my fingers along with excessive anxiety, panic and brain fog. I found Jennifer online and began working privately with her in October 2017.
Thanks to Jennifer’s help, my skin rashes have finally cleared up and my digestion is better than I’ve ever had in my entire life. And I have been able to get off of my last anxiety medication and feel like having a happier outlook is my biggest WIN!!
In case you’re wondering, I would like to encourage anyone looking to figure out the deeper issues to work with Jennifer. She listened to me and is such an encouraging, dedicated person. She has spent hours reviewing my labs, came up with a plan that I could follow and helped guide me through it every step of the way. And I’m so appreciative to have her in my corner.
I ended up with awful, red yeasty rashes on my body that my dermatologist just didn’t have a clear answer on how to resolve. The antifungal creams would work for a bit, but then the rashes would come back. I was so embarrassed about them because it was to a point where I couldn’t really hide them anymore even with makeup or clothing. Plus I was exhausted all of the time and had what doctors called “stress-related symptoms” that were strange, but to them didn’t seem connected.
So I reached out to Jennifer and I’m really glad that I did because the rashes are FINALLY gone. My skin is clear and even the redness that wouldn’t go away in my face has dissipated. She determined that the yeast issues I’d suffered with for at least a decade were really at the root of my skin problems and that I was pretty depleted of key nutrients that my body needed to work at its best. Though it initially all seemed overwhelming, Jen made it really clear what we needed to focus on first and created a special plan for me so that I didn’t need to do any research. I just needed to follow her directions!
Aside from the rashes, I now have way more energy (than I’ve had in years!), my digestion is straightened out and I’m just feeling so much better overall.
One of the biggest pluses is that she prioritized making the plan and what I would need to do manageable for my very busy life. Nothing was difficult and she never asked me to do or eat anything weird! In fact, I love that she was able to help me resolve my symptoms without resorting to a restrictive elimination diet.
And I have to share that Jen opened my eyes about what I needed to do to take my health into my own hands. She asks questions that literally no doctor has ever asked me (that helped us figure out this puzzle), guided me to the proper tests, coached me to ask the right questions of my doctor, and calmed my fears about what we might find. She was clear and to the point and very specific in her recommendations. There was no gray area – I did what she told me to and I started to feel better.
I’m so grateful to you, Jen! Thank you for connecting the dots and digging deeper so that I can finally feel like my old self again!
I had scaly, red eczema blotches on my elbows, hips, and even behind my ears. For most of my life, I never had this issue. The rashes were driving me crazy — like not being able to sleep because of all of the itching!! I got really frustrated with doctors because they just totally shrugged it offer — it’ll “go away,” or just use a creme and get used to it.
So I tuned into Jennifer’s Eczema & Psoriasis Awareness Week and then scheduled a private call with her after tuning in so that I could make sure I was getting the best direction. I was tired of wasting time (and not to mention all the money on creams that didn’t work).
The personalized direction that I learned from Jennifer and her event gave me the missing pieces to *finally* getting my eczema to stop. It wasn’t overnight as Jennifer clearly explained, but she helped me see that my eczema wasn’t really a skin issue. There was a connection to an imbalance in my gut that she helped me figure out a plan to work on.
And finally, I can say… NO MORE ITCHING! THANK YOU, Jen!! You saved my skin and my sanity.

I suffered with severe diarrhea since my gall bladder was removed in 1987. Doctors tried many prescription drugs, fiber therapy, OTC drugs and diet changes that ultimately didn’t work. In 2007, my Gastroenterologist prescribed a strong drug under FDA scrutiny called Lotronex that cost $1000 a month! Plus both my doctor and I had to sign waivers stating that I understood the many serious and scary risks associated with taking it.
Though the drug worked, I began to question what the root cause of my GI issues were after about 8 years of getting nowhere with my GI doctor.
That’s when I found clinical nutritionist Jennifer Fugo who suggested some functional testing. She pinpointed three key issues that have literally changed everything for me — bad bacteria in my gut, low diversity of gut bacteria, and an egg sensitivity.
She worked with my PCP to help me address the bad bacteria while giving me practical solutions to improve friendly gut bacteria, and remove eggs from my diet.
Within a few weeks, I started noticing changes in my system such as a reduction in gas and cramping along with feeling more energized. And the biggest change of all — as a result, I was able to get off the Lotronex!
I am so grateful for meeting Jennifer and have had such a positive outcome thanks to her expertise, knowledge and compassion. The impact she has had on my life is more than I could imagine.
I highly recommend her to anyone who has been struggling with their health and are searching for answers. She was the answer for me, and I am convinced she could be for you too.
Before I began working with Jennifer I had made quite a few dietary changes including becoming vegan and going gluten free. I had a lot of positive outcomes due to these changes, but still wrestled with abdominal pain, gas, brain fog, bloating and the inability to lose those last 10 pounds despite being diet compliant.
After going to several traditional medical doctors, and receiving no help getting to the root cause of my problems to find the resolution to my symptoms, I often felt like I was going to have to spend the rest of my life living like that.
Working with Jennifer helped me discover through testing that I had significant yeast overgrowth and certain foods to which I am sensitive.
After following her plan, I am rarely bothered with gas and bloating now. My brain fog is gone and I lost the stubborn 10 lbs that wouldn’t budge along with inches from my waist and hips. I have healed my leaky gut and my abdomen is not distended anymore.
My biggest win is that my belly that literally hurt for years, rarely bothers me anymore!
Jennifer is very comprehensive in her approach to working with you. She is sensitive, understanding, very knowledgeable, and explains issues like your test results and your healing protocol very thoroughly answering your questions in plain English.
Jennifer is able to guide you through your plan of action to eradicate your symptoms. She really was a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend her.

Through my research, I’ve found that eliminating gluten can help 88% of people with Hashimoto’s feel significantly better! That’s why I’m a big fan of Jennifer Fugo’s work at Gluten Free School.
Jennifer is a genuine, empathetic, and knowledgeable clinical nutritionist who helps clients with gut issues discover their root causes so that they can get back to feeling like themselves again!
Her unique and science-based perspective in the health community has helped thousands of women looking for clear, practical steps to go gluten-free and beyond.
If you’re ready to take back your health- be sure to follow Jennifer!
Hashimoto’s the Root Cause, Hashimoto’s Protocol, and The Thyroid Secret
I have celiac disease and though I made all my food from scratch, I was addicted to sugar and constantly feeling exhausted. My addiction left me feeling like a complete failure and trying to lose weight was a huge struggle since I was fighting my sweet tooth all the time.
Then I came across you and your Gluten-Free Sugar Cleanse program and I’ve learned how to live again!
Every day I feel so much better as the inflammation in my body is going away, my mind is alert, and my weight is effortlessly dropping. Eating healthy real food is what I really needed and I’m letting my body do the rest to let go of the weight. Thank you, Jennifer… this is the best thing I have ever done!
Jennifer Fugo has been invaluable as I continue to learn how to live a healthy life without gluten in my diet. She provides a high level of intelligence along with a dedication to her clients that has helped me beyond my expectations.
Her determination to find an answer to a specific question I had brought immeasurable relief to an issue I had been trying to solve for years. Jennifer may not have an MD or DO after her name, but she should!

Before working with Jennifer, I ate out most of the time, worked a tremendous amount of hours, slept only 3 to 4 hours per night and rarely ate breakfast. Needless to say, my life and diet was out of balance and I felt exhausted and impatient all of the time.
It was through working with Jennifer that we discovered that I was gluten-sensitive.
Once I eliminated gluten from my diet, I found I could think more clearly and creatively. I felt less stressed and even my skin and hair changed for the better!
Not only did I achieve my goals around weight-loss with Jennifer, but I am now sleeping better, eating better, cooking more and ready to make some crucial life decisions.
Jennifer’s knowledge about food sensitivities came in handy. She helped me develop a new way of eating that included new foods and strategies so I never felt deprived or desperate.
In summary, I am a different, better, healthier person for having worked with Jennifer.

When I met with Jennifer, I was preparing for my wedding. I suffered with lots of bloating and constipation for a long time. Though I knew it wasn’t normal to be like that, I didn’t want to resort to medication, but wasn’t getting results from other things I’d tried.
Working with Jennifer changed everything because she figured out that I was really sensitive to gluten! From there, she taught me how to shift my diet with foods that work well with my body.
I lost weight and stopped all the bloating, increased my energy levels and finally resolved my constipation. Even my close friends and family have commented that I look leaner and that my mood is exuberant and positive.
The craziest thing was that I actually had to get my wedding dress taken in about 2 inches a few days before the big day!
For over 6 years, I struggled with celiac disease. When first diagnosed, my doctor basically told me “Good luck with your diet” and sent me on my way. I spent a lot of time completely confused despite reading books and websites and was still unknowingly eating a lot of food that contained gluten.
Working with Jennifer has been the light at the end of my dark tunnel!
With her help, I learned how to incorporate healthy whole gluten-free foods into my diet to replace all the unhealthy gluten-contaminated ones I’d been eating. She taught me to read food labels and, most importantly, how to choose vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins that are best suited for my individual needs.
Jennifer Fugo is compassionate, knowledgeable and incredibly sensitive to my individual needs. She communicates and teaches in a way that is understandable… breaking down each step in a brilliant way. Jennifer has truly changed my life and I am so very grateful for her in every way!!
I decided to work with Jennifer Fugo in an effort to help me with many different food issues. I wanted help to see what was causing me problems and someone to hold me accountable for following through with what I needed to do.
I had been unable to lose weight and the rash on my hands was so bad I was unable to wear my rings for over 2 years.
Jennifer and I were together able to see foods which were definitely causing me discomfort. We specifically were able to pinpoint foods I needed to avoid. As she observed my food intake and reactions, Jennifer was able to see a pattern that I was unaware was even a condition underlying many of my symptoms!
In just 2 months of working with Jennifer, I lost 11 pounds of inflammation by identifying and removing gut triggers.
As for my hands, I wanted relief from the itching and swelling that comes along with this annoying rash. I’m happy to report that my rash is much more under control and my hands are not nearly as swollen. Thank you again, Jennifer, for ALL you did in getting me started on a healthier path!
Before I started working with Jennifer, I was at my highest weight ever, my joints ached, I was exhausted and had brain fog daily. I simply did not want to go into another year feeling like I could just barely make it through each day before collapsing in bed, yet being unable to sleep once I was in bed.
My absolute biggest success from working with Jennifer was that I lost 14 pounds and 2” from my waist and 3” from my hips from removing gluten and sugar in my diet and I have kept it off. For the first time in over a decade, I have been able to purchase clothes from the Misses Department, rather than the Woman’s department.
My skin is clearer and my eyes brighter, my sleep is better, and I look and feel healthy for the first time in a long time.
Jennifer took the time to understand my specific situation so that I could set challenging, but achievable goals. She provided the right amount of encouragement and follow up to check progress and she did her homework to create a customized plan of supplements and activities that would work for me that got results.
I spent most of my adult life bent in half in pain, seeing doctor after doctor yet still not knowing what was causing my pain. After many years, I was finally diagnosed with Celiac Disease. While initially felt great for a number of years following a gluten free diet, the gut pain eventually started up again.
Despite being strict with a GF diet, I had diarrhea and abdominal pain constantly. My sleep wasn’t good and I had almost no energy at all. Basically I felt the way I did before I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. I would try to act normal and do normal things but the pain, discomfort and diarrhea made this impossible.
That’s when I found clinical nutritionist Jennifer Fugo and began working with her. I do not think there are words to describe how grateful I am to Jennifer for all of her help.
First, she helped me kick my addiction to sugar. We then worked to eliminate a chronic gut infection and transform my diet so that I am eating healthier with more nutritious foods in my diet.
As a result, I am finally gut pain free and do not have diarrhea any more! My sleep has improved and I have much more energy. My close friend has even noticed that I’m much calmer and can better deal with stress now.
Through all of the work we did together, Jennifer was patient and extremely knowledgeable. She truly care about the people she works with and listens to what you say.
This is a really big deal for me because Jennifer has been able to gain my trust where no one else in the medical profession in the past 40 plus years has been able to do. As a result of this trust, I have been able to improve my health with Jennifer’s help in way I never dreamed possible.
After learning that I had Celiac Disease, the doctors didn’t know much about being Gluten Free and I didn’t know where to turn. That’s when I found Jennifer at Gluten Free School. She has a world of information and knowledge on there!
A few months ago I was having major digestive issues with lots of diarrhea. I went to 3 different doctors who either didn’t help or know how to help me. That’s when I reached out to Jennifer and she helped me get through these issues. We did blood work and stool testing to see where I was at. Jennifer spent time helping me to understand the results so that I knew what was going wrong and what options I had … something my doctors never did.
From that initial appointment, she created an individualized plan for me that I was comfortable with executing. I did my part too by eating better, using the supplements she suggested, and following her lead.
I can’t praise her enough — I feel 100% better. My diarrhea has stopped (which is huge!!) and I’m able to sleep 6 to 7 hours every night compared to 3 or 4 before working with her. My thinking is a lot clearer too!
With my own addition, the old saying goes “Without God and your health, you have nothing.” If you are committed to doing the work to get and feel better, Jennifer will be with you all the way.
Are you ready to finally become your own success story?

Praise for The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper Book!
“The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper” is my answer to these concerns as well as practical, no-nonsense guide to living a healthy, gluten-free lifestyle free from processed food. No matter the size of your budget, everyone who reads the book finds plenty of time and cost-saving tips that making living gluten-free easier.
Gluten has been keeping me swollen and sore for years. No more! Thank you Jennifer for this fantastic resource.
This book is a fabulous resource for any Gluten Free person. Jennifer covers so many topics and has amazing tips. If you are looking for a way to help navigate living Gluten Free without busting your budget this is the book for you. I learned so much from this book!
As a Registered Nurse and Holistic Lifestyle & Wellness Coach I am thrilled to recommend Jennifer Hugo’s book to my clients. I personally must be gluten-free due to three autoimmune diseases including Celiac and I remember the day my doctor told me I had to go gluten free for my health and recall how overwhelmed I was. It seemed impossible expensive and limiting. But with Jennifer’s very concise and easy to read book it is easy and enjoyable plus Jennifer makes it motivating to want to follow. Also the fact Jennifer shows her reader how to save a lot of money is a true blessing. I look forward to implementing many of her tips myself!
Awesome book… Jennifer is very sweet and knowledgeable… her website is also great too… and wonderful person to speak with.. a lifesaver… would love to take her cooking class
Jennifer has packed so much amazing and helpful information into her book. She gives great tips on healthy eating and saving money doing it. The Easy Guacamole is so delicious, you won’t be able to stop eating it and the Roasted Brussels Sprouts are the perfect side dish! I can’t wait to try more of her recipes! If you want some sound advice and great information about living gluten-free then you need to order this book immediately.
Jennifer lays it all out for all of us in this book. This is extremely helpful for folks who don’t know a thing about storing food or cooking or who are new to gluten free and want to learn about the different grains and products out there. It’s also helpful for those of us who do know how to cook but need to learn more. I always have some vegetable that goes bad because I don’t store it properly so it’s really cool to learn how to do all that. Plus the recipes are helpful in creating your own meal plan (which she talks about as well). She isn’t all judge-y about eating organic only and understands that not everyone can afford it. She has many tips spread out throughout the book from bargaining shopping to meal planning. This book is definitely worth the read (and the money). By the way, the companion guide (free; info inside the book) that you can download with this book is so freaking helpful as well. Love this book!
This book has it all…it’s stockpiled with up-to-date nutritional information on healthy eating. It is extremely well written, easy to read,and even enjoyable to read! And offers so much more than recipes and information most of us already know about eating gluten-free. At this time in my life, I do not have a health issue that requires me to eat gluten-free, but I am aware of how much healthier it is. So, I am choosing to live more cleanly, and the information in this book allows me to access many choices. It also offers many tips and tricks that are simple and cost-effective. And I’ve tried a number of the recipes included in the book, and to my surprise and delight, they are not only easy and quick to prepare, but delicious and affordable as well,
Eating healthy seems to be such an expensive lifestyle and Jennifer’s book is fantastic in showing affordable ways to do so. She provides so many options and tips for which foods to purchase, storage options, how to cook everything, and also delicious recipes. Whether you need to eat gluten-free or are just trying to adopt a healthier diet, The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper is a must read!
The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper is a great tool to help people stay compliant to their diet. Compliance is a big issue for my clients because of time and cost. This book is a practical, no-nonsense way to approach buying, storing and cooking food that highlights many of simple ways to reduce how much you spend at the grocery store.
This book has been a wonderful help for me. Many nights I struggle with what’s for dinner am too tired to begin to figure out what to cook. My favorite part of the book is the help with meal planning for the week! My week has run so much smoother now that I have things planned and am only cooking 2-3 times a week! The recipes in the book are wonderful and I’m not even tempted by the GF convenience foods that I was coming to rely heavily upon. Finally I feel sanity creeping back into my life. Thank you Jennifer!
I’ve been living gluten free for over 4 years and still learned a ton from this book! It really breaks down why the diet can be so expensive and what you need to know in order to eat a healthy diet without spending so much extra money. The sections that detail how to prepare foods and veggies for storing and freezing is something I’ll refer back to again and again. I waste so much less food now that I follow these methods and my freezer is always stocked with healthy foods I can eat. But my favorite part is the meal planning and recipes that are provided. I know from experience that when you don’t plan ahead, you are more likely to grab expensive, unhealthy “gluten-free” convenience foods. Having step by step instructions on how to plan meals, with recipes to go along with it means I’m prepared and the food experience is less overwhelming and more enjoyable. You have to try the Baked Mediterranean Eggs, Brown Rice Porridge and Red Lentil Soup, those have become regulars for us now. Overall this is a very useful book, even if you don’t eat Gluten Free.
Jennifer’s book is one of the most thorough and informative guides to gluten-free shopping I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading! Not only does she include tips for stocking your kitchen, saving money at the store and information about essential kitchen tools, but she also dishes out ideas for storing food (container options, freezing vegetables, etc.) and planning meals. Plus, the recipes included are delicious and doable for even the most “un-cooks” out there! Creamy asparagus soup, spicy sweet potato wedges, quick apple crisp — sign me up! This book is an absolute must for anyone who is seeking a more delicious, well-planned and budget-friendly gluten-free lifestyle!