I wouldn’t be surprised that if your thyroid is out of whack, you’ve likely searched for solutions for Hashimoto’s online.
Many people do because you may have more options available to you than what your conventional doctor offers.
While I admit that thyroid care is in a terrible state, there is hopeful research in the works. And, there are new approaches to healing available to you right now.
I know this because 85% of my clients with gut issues also have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, or subclinical hypothyroidism. And they all have gotten blown off at one point or another by providers who acted like their thyroid issues were no big deal.
If you’ve got thyroid problems, you know that it IS a very big deal. And that’s why finding solutions for Hashimoto’s is critical for you to get back to feeling much more like yourself.
Sometimes diet can be a solution (HERE’S a two-week meal plan to test out).
Other times, the path to healing is more complex requiring several months of hard work and focused strategies to rectify various imbalances that drive Hashimoto’s.
Whatever you do… keep on believing that a solution to your unique health puzzle is out there. Never give up!
May this truly insightful conversation (CLICK HERE to download the complete transcript) on the Solutions for Hashimoto’s give you a helping hand.
If you haven’t yet subscribed to the podcast CLICK HERE to listen and subscribe through iTunes!!! Then take a moment and leave a review on iTunes sharing what you’ve learned and why others would benefit from listening in as well!
Solutions for Hashimoto’s (backed by science) with Izabella Wentz: GFS Podcast 087
The stats for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis are astonishing — it’s 7 times more likely to affect women than men.
It can also show up in those who already have celiac disease, vitiligo (and other skin issues), rheumatoid arthritis, pernicious anemia, lupus, and other autoimmune diseases.
Unfortunately, it goes ignored or undiagnosed because the symptoms can look like other common problems.
Can’t lose weight? Your doctor could think that you have “fork-to-mouth” issues. (I seriously didn’t make that term up… it’s an unfortunate phrase used by doctors who assume their overweight patient is just eating too much.)
Can’t get up in the AM and you need to take naps? Some may say that you’re just lazy.
Your hair is falling out? Some may just tell you to take more biotin.
And this list goes on and on with symptoms that look like something else, but are actually symptoms of Hashimoto’s.
Because women (and some men) suffer for years, it’s no wonder that they begin looking for solutions to Hashimoto’s that are outside of the conventional norm.
That’s what my guest Dr. Izabella Wentz had to do… take matters into her own hands.
It’s my hope that the following podcast will provide you with insight you’ve never heard or read anywhere else before!
In this episode…
– The progression of Hashimoto’s based on a 5-part scale
– Common misconceptions about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
– Why liver detoxification is critical to improving (and possibly resolving) symptoms
– What & where to look for infections that can trigger (or exacerbate) Hashimoto’s
– New solutions for Hashimoto’s that are coming down the pipeline
– Get a 2-week AIP diet protocol created by Izabella just for you
– and much more…
Solutions for Hashimoto’s SHOW NOTES
Izabella’s FREE 2 week AIP meal plan
Izabella’s books -–>
CLICK HERE to get your copy of Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back
CLICK HERE to get your copy of Izabella’s first book Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause