Did you know that you have more bacteria living in and on you than human cells?
Though some folks might find this idea to be gross (which isn’t entirely shocking considering the germophobic culture in which we live), bacteria can be extremely beneficial to good health.
As a population of digestively-challenged folks (celiac, leaky gut, IBD, etc.) along with our endocrine-compromised friends (like thyroid, pancreas and adrenal issues) who also need to be gluten-free, we need to focus energy and time to balance the gut bacteria not just to digest better, but also to avoid other more common health crises.
Too often I get looks of disbelief from the typical gluten-free person who thinks that their diet of gluten-free pancakes, toast, muffins, waffles, sandwiches, pizza and pasta is perfectly fine. I’m not an alarmist, however I am concerned which is why I repeat this information over and over again. The product-based gluten-free diet which replaced your horrible pre-gluten-free Standard American Diet will make you sicker.
You might feel fine now, but every bite sets you up for trouble. Not only are those gluten-free treats and desserts high glycemic (unless you’re using something like coconut or almond flour), they feed vicious bacteria, parasites, and yeast. You literally eat yourself into a double whammy of health-wreckage because the type of organisms you feed in your gut will help determine your health down the road. They can put diabetes and heart disease in your future without too much effort.
Consider this info…
Point #1:
A research team from the “University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified 26 species of bacteria in the human gut microbiota that appear to be linked to obesity and related metabolic complications. These include insulin resistance, high blood sugar levels, increased blood pressure and high cholesterol, known collectively as “the metabolic syndrome,” which significantly increases an individual’s risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.” (Read the article here.)
Point #2:
Another research team in China examined the intestinal bacteria of 345 people and found that “171 research subjects who had type 2 diabetes were found to have “a more hostile bacterial environment in their intestines” than those not suffering from the disease.” (Read the article here.)
Bottom Line:
The gluten-free food you choose to eat does matter. Buying processed gluten-free junk food, starchy breakfast foods, and downing gluten-free desserts can be a recipe for disaster. Any person who has worked with me, including every single one of my Gluten-Free Sugar Cleanse participants, will tell you that cleaning up your diet makes a huge difference in how you’ll feel. We work together to rebalance gut flora by removing the foods that primarily feed the ‘bad guys’.
Another point to consider is this – People complain that going gluten-free is expensive… and I admit, eating gluten-free products all the time IS expensive. But what’s even more costly is the dire state your health will be in beyond Celiac or gluten sensitivity if you think that gluten-free junk food and sweets at every meal and snack are fine.
The future you… the you who might feel okay now… the you who is slowly trading good health for gluten-free dessert needs an advocate. And I’m working night and day to tell you what food companies and even many celiac organizations won’t… you and your health deserve better. And all those gluten-free desserts, bagels and pasta comes with a hefty price-tag that will cost you the quality of life that is your birth right.
I have a very hard not telling everyone that wha they are eating is crazy bad for their health. I feel like I am the food nut and their eyes glaze over when I go on about the amount of sugar you are supposed to be having every day and how many people are exceeding that amount. So I really only tell people who want to hear, not everyone in the grocery store.
I hear you, Joann! It’s hard not to say something, but I too am not a preacher in every single situation because I do believe that everyone is on their own journey… but the beauty of having a blog is that I can do that here. Share this blog with your GF friends… in time they’ll come to see that what you and I both know is true. I hope the lesson doesn’t present itself as one that’s serious and tragic, but many times people choose to eat food over the wellbeing of their body. Even if JUST ONE PERSON has a change of heart, then my job is done.
I KNOW sugar is killing me, but I can’t seem to kick it. I can’t afford the club or the cleanse, but I was hoping you could direct me to some free literature on the net to help me figure out how to STOP MYSELF from eating sweets!
Good morning, as I have been GF for almost 3 yrs I don’t eat a lot of GF sugary foods, processed either. Try to make most thing from scratch as much as possible. For making my own all purpose flour mix opposed to buying it already prepared what are your suggestions I use; I have most flours and start he’s on hand but not quite sure what the best combos are. I make my own pesto sauces from my veggies as well. Thank you for all your posts they are sooooo helpful. Thanks again, Kim