Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions unless they’ve completely disgusted him/herself with years of goal failure. The tossing out of an old calendar somehow signifies to us all that we’ve got to give SOMETHING a go or just not bother at all. I’m personally of the mindset that these types of ritualistic events in the year are relatively important and yet most years, I admit it – I’ve failed.
I’m not even sure that I can actually say that I even REALLY tried to keep my resolutions, to be honest. Our culture is built upon the notion that resolutions are as expendable as they are profitable since the “New Year, New You” concept is intentionally woven into most everyone’s marketing.
But this year, I’m turning over a new leaf and I’ll tell you why. Something happened to me this past Autumn as I began to build Gluten Free School and connect with all the followers and fans who’ve written me and generously passed along my work to friends and family who need help going gluten-free. I had no idea in the beginning if anyone would even pay attention and yet, so many of you have. For that I’m incredibly grateful to your support and constant thirst for more information on going and living gluten-free.
As I’ve spent the holidays contemplating what the best next step for Gluten Free School was, I realized that many of you probably need some very basic help that can easily be translated into REAL change. That’s why you’ll notice an increase in valuable gluten-free content, solutions, recipes and ideas being posted in the coming months.
I’m also launching a really fun endeavor that was honestly sparked by my husband. He and I are so over sugar and after being totally bombarded by sweets from every angle, he begged me to construct a simple sugar detox that even he, the picky eater, could follow. I committed to join him on this journey (as partners always make a cleanse easier) for at least three weeks. My last sugar detox was over 4 weeks long and really shifted my sense of well-being dramatically for the better.
Thus, it’s my hope that you’ll be interested in joining us!
How do you know if this is right for you? Read on, my friends…
- Are you a self-described sugar addict or carb-o-holic?
- Do you crave sugar throughout the day?
- Do you end up eating the entire box of cookies even though you only meant to have one?
- Have you switched over to artificial sweeteners thinking that you’re “making better choices”?
- Is one piece of candy NEVER enough to satisfy you?
- Can you stop eating after a meal without ordering dessert?
- Do you live for desserts?
If you can relate to any of these statements, then join me for a FREE tele-class I’m hosting this Thursday January 5, 2012 at 7 pm ET called “Kick Your Gluten Free Sugar Addiction”!
On this call, you’ll learn:
- Why being Gluten Free makes you even more susceptible to sugar addition
- How harmful the effects of your sugar addiction are WAY worse than you even realize
- Why my past experience doing a sugar cleanse totally changed my overall sense of well-being
- How sugar is literally stealing away all your energy
- Why sugar is slowing down or even reversing any progress you make by being gluten-free