I want to be honest with you — most of the gluten-free products you’re eating are not good for you. I don’t care that they have organic labels or mention being vegan, low sodium, or a good source of X, Y, or Z… There’s a lot of huge problems popping up within the exploding Gluten-Free industry that consumers like you are completely in the dark about.
Most of what you eat are sugar bombs.
Yep, sugar bombs… food that seems harmless enough are wreaking your health, happiness and sanity. They set off a huge reaction within your body that triggers inflammation, digestive distress, weight gain, and, of course, the feeling that you’re completely held hostage by sugar.
Every 4 grams of sugar = 1 tsp
We should eat no more than 7.5 tsp of sugar each day.
If you’ve got a problem with sugar (as many of us GF folks do), then read on about the top FOUR Gluten-Free Sugar Bombs in my book.
#4 – Apple Pie Larabars
Yeah yeah, apple pie is seasonally perfect right now, but the Larabar version (really all Larabars, to be clear) is a total sugar bomb. Though it might be made of simple ingredients that you could even whip up into your own bars at home, it doesn’t make them any healthier. Why?
Because of the dates and other dried fruit which make up the bulk of the bar, this Larabar comes in at 18 grams of sugar per bar. That means that this little bar has 4.5 teaspoons of sugar in it.
Ugh... That’s a lot for ONE bar.
#3 – Apple Cinnamon Chobani Greek Yogurt
Think you’re making a better choice by buying a non-fat Greek yogurt? Chobani hopes you do.
Their non-fat, single-serving Apple Cinnamon option will hit you up with 19 grams of sugar. That’s 4.75 teaspoons! If you think that the ‘non-fat’ label is the most important, then Chobani has done a great job at distracting you into thinking that all this sugar they add to make their yogurt taste good is something healthy.
Pass! Opt for plain and add cut berries.
#2 – Dried Cranberries
Though this dried fruit is the darling of Autumn and Winter (and holiday) cooking, it’s really not that healthy. Actual cranberries have very little sugar which is why they taste so darn tart!
Food companies got smart, started adding sugar and… voilá! People love sweetened dried cranberries. But there’s so much sugar added to them that they’re really more candy than anything else. The proof is in the numbers those, so here goes — 1 cup has 26 grams of sugar. That’s 6.5 teaspoons of sugar, my friends.
#1 – Apple Cider
Though this seasonal drink tastes so darn good, you’ll be quite sad to know that one cup of apple cider will set you back 27 grams of sugar. That’s 6.75 teaspoons of sugar and sadly takes the cake of the biggest sugar bomb on the season.
It’s one of the many problems with Fall and Winter foods which tend to be sweeter than the foods being prepared at other times of the year… there’s just so much darn sugar!
Now you’re in the know! But this is just the tip of the GF sugar-bomb iceberg for you. Everything that you’re eating now could be feeding a wicked sugar addiction that’s just now mounting it’s attack because, hey… Halloween and the holidays are right around the corner.
Wanna learn more?? Here’s your opportunity — CLICK HERE