What Your Thyroid Symptoms Really Mean & How to Get Straight Answers with Dana Trentini: GFS Podcast 059

Got thyroid symptoms despite “normal” thyroid lab work, but your doctor says you’re fine? Think again. There are too many women (and men) falling through the cracks of our healthcare system when it comes to thyroid dysfunction. Symptoms are blown off and testing tends to be inadequate. And even those who do get diagnosed with hypothyroidism or…

Dangers of (Gluten Free) Processed Foods with Melanie Warner: GFS Podcast 054

Dangers of (Gluten Free) Processed Foods with Melanie Warner: GFS Podcast 054 The following points were discussed in during the podcast: 00:20 — Introducing freelance journalist and author, Melanie Warner to discuss behind the scenes information on processed food. 01:23 — How Melanie’s investigation of the food industry led to her write about the untold…