I’m sure you’ve heard your mother tell you to eat your greens. Even now, all the nutrition talking heads tell you “Eat your greens!”, but for those whose days are spent constantly on-the-run with little time available for food prep and cooking, that statement might not ever become a reality.
Eating greens might also not be your ‘favorite food group’ (as is the case with my husband), however this doesn’t mean that you should simply ignore them. That’s why I’ve come to truly love Amazing Grass Green Superfood. If you know nothing about this company and their Green Superfood powders, then please listen closely because this stuff is incredible. Basically, they’ve done the ‘heavy lifting’ for you by gathering a bounty of those healthy organic greens your mother told you to eat and put them neatly into a powder form to preserve the nutrient-goodness that you either aren’t getting or would love to get more of. Now that’s convenience working for you!
Amazing Grass Green Superfood has literally had a spot in my home for at least the last four years. I use a packet of their stuff whenever I’m making a smoothie since the Chocolate and Berry flavors are incredibly tasty and easily incorporate into most blended delights. And yes, I add this in addition to my protein powder of choice (though Amazing Grass does have an awesome line of vegan protein powders called Amazing Meal that combines all of this).
So now I’m going to stop and answer your question because I know it’s there and you’ll want to know all about this whole ‘grass’ business just as I did because you’ll look at the ingredients and go “Come on, Jen… I know it says that it’s gluten-free, but there’s wheat grass in here”. Just as you’re wondering this, I was doing just the same which is why I contacted Amazing Grass to learn more about how they can guarantee that they’re product is gluten-free.
Their response? “Yes, Amazing Grass products are gluten free. Our cereal grasses are harvested prior to jointing, before the grain forms and any gluten is present. We test for gluten and our products are enjoyed by people worldwide with gluten free diets including celiac disease.” ~ Amazing Grass
Basically, they harvest a baby plant… just as you might enjoy baby, tender greens for a salad with dinner, a younger blade of wheat before maturity doesn’t contain the gluten we all fear. What it does contain is some really incredible nutrition which many miss out on because they see the word “wheat” and automatically assume that it’s on the banned list.
So, if you’re into eating healthier and want something truly easy to incorporate into your daily food routine, Amazing Grass is one of those no-brainers that you’ll love. I sure do and always suggest and share it with my clients. Now I’m sharing this little gluten-free health tip with you. And yes, it’s a good one!
The biggest reason you should incorporate more greens into your diet is because greens are both cleansing and rejuvenating to your body. Greens offer a huge boost of antioxidants and alkaline your system (which helps to promote good health since bacteria and viruses can’t live in an alkaline environment). For those of us who have been through a lot of health problems in connection with our digestive tract, this is an easy way to get in key nutrients without the ‘grassy’ or ‘earthy’ taste often associated with eating green food.
Also check out the various powdered greens products they offer as well as the great flavors for kids too!
Wanna win yourself TWO 8.5-oz. containers of this powdered green stuff?
Register for my FREE master class happening tomorrow at 8pm ET with Ken Scheer of RockaHealthyLifestyle.com as we talk all about how to eat out gluten-free.
Two winners will be selected to their choice of Amazing Grass products… join me! This class is going to be awesome!
Great giveaway Jen! I registered a few weeks ago- are we automatically entered to win?
Yep, anyone who already registered is entered to win! Please share this really cool opportunity with your friends on Facebook and Twitter! Good luck 🙂
This stuff has a great taste.