Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist, the founder of + the host of the Healthy Skin Show. She works with women who are fed up with chronic gut and skin rash issues discover the root causes and create a plan to get them back to a fuller, richer life.
I’ve been a huge fan of Vega’s vegan protein powders for quite some time. They’re incredibly high quality and worth the extra pennies spent because of how much nutritional goodness they pack into each serving (from which you obviously reap the benefits, yes?). Accustomed to their Whole Food Optimizer, I love love love the Vanilla…
Who doesn’t love crunchy granola with the right amount of sweetness? I certainly do and am game to try most gluten-free granolas out there on the market. My one caveat is sugar. I definitely look at the sugar content and lately have become so disgusted with sugary granolas on the market that I started to…
What happened to your face?!?! Oh, I don’t know, probably gluten. Maybe it was dairy and possibly even eggs. Upon waking, I found the skin on my cheeks to be inflamed with rough and reddish patches of what looks like some sort of rash. “Great”, I thought. ” I have a new client to meet…
Are oats gluten free? No, most oats are not. In fact, you may have to search to find gluten free oats because there aren’t that many producers who go the extract gluten-free mile. Why? Remember the acronym B-R-O-W-S I shared with you to help you understand where gluten generally occurs? Oats always has an asterisk next…
I remember the moment that I received word that gluten and I needed to break up. It had been a wonderful love affair of pasta, pastries and bread for most of my life growing up in an Italian family. This news was pretty devastating for me. At the time, it honestly felt like a curse. …
Who doesn’t like ice pops in the summer heat? This summer especially! Between the heat and cost of food, everyone is looking for convenient ways to get the most out of what they’ve got and stay cool while doing it. Nick, my husband, and I are determined to use any and all fruit that we’ve…
If you’re anything like me, then mostly likely you are a busy person. In fact, the word “busy” might even be an understatement. So what do you do when you’ve worked all day and arrive home famished? Trust me, last night I seriously considered going out to eat because I was on the brink of…
Need a jumpstart in your mornings? Check out this easy-to-make vegan cherry smoothie that’s packed with protein and healthy fats! With cherry season just upon us, now is the perfect time to use fresh cherries (or buy them frozen) in your smoothies. If you’re like me, you may have found that seasonal allergies cause you to…
What happens at the height of peach season? You get creative with peaches and make something like my incredibly easy Peach Salsa recipe. This naturally gluten-free, vegan and paleo side can be eaten with tortilla chips or used as a topping to grilled or broiled meat or fish. For those who have issues with the nightshade…