Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist, the founder of + the host of the Healthy Skin Show. She works with women who are fed up with chronic gut and skin rash issues discover the root causes and create a plan to get them back to a fuller, richer life.
There’s something about those flavors of eggnog that are so delicious, but when eggs and dairy don’t work with your tummy anymore, eggnog is the first holiday favorite on the chopping block. It has to be… most recipes require multiple eggs and sometimes two different types of dairy products in order to make. So while…
First you went gluten free and felt somewhat better. Then you heard about going grain free (perhaps from those who eat paleo) in hopes that the lingering issues will fade and your life will get back to “normal” faster. Some have found that their “healing” accelerated by taking this step while others don’t feel much of…
Have you ever allowed not having a certain piece of kitchen equipment to stop you from making something in the kitchen? I have, but as I peered into my pantry one chilly morning last year looking for something sweet, I decided I’d try to make my own version of paleo whipped cream without a handmixer…
I remember crepes from my pre-gluten free days. My husband and I used to have this favorite crepe restaurant in Philadelphia, but we had to stop going one I learned I was intolerant to gluten. To my surprise, I’ve now got a fantastic and easy gluten free vegan crepe recipe that I can make at…
While it’s a great idea to eat really clean, healthy food, often times the reality is quite different. Maybe you don’t have the time to cook (or you don’t like to cook) which necessitates buying food that’s pre-made. One of the most frequent aspects of this is eating cold cuts. With the rise of more…
I’ll bet you’d love a piece of this gluten free lasagna… I mean, how could you not? It looks quite tasty. Now for those who know that I’m not a fan of eating lots of rice pasta, I’ve come to discover that not only can you easily make a lasagna that’s grain free and paleo,…
One of my most favorite and easy go-to recipes is this crockpot rotisserie chicken recipe. I had heard that it was pretty simple to make your own in a slow cooker, but I wanted to see for myself. Once you get the swing of this recipe, you can assemble it in the slow cooker in…
Have you ever ordered food at a restaurant and gotten sick afterward? Maybe you even told the waitstaff you were gluten-free. And maybe what you ordered was marked as gluten-free OR it was on the gluten-free menu. Either way, you know that you just found some hidden gluten in restaurant food. It’s happened to us all. You…
Thinking about going gluten free or know that you need to do it? Before you become convinced by anyone that going gluten free has magical powers and will poof away all of your woos, I’ve got a few words of advice to share that you probably won’t read anywhere else. A gluten free diet isn’t…
Known as the “great imposter,” Lyme disease is a growing epidemic that can be difficult to diagnose as well as treat. While you might think that in order to get lyme disease, you needed to discover a bull’s eye rash somewhere on your body after taking a walk in the woods, that notion may no longer…