Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist, the founder of + the host of the Healthy Skin Show. She works with women who are fed up with chronic gut and skin rash issues discover the root causes and create a plan to get them back to a fuller, richer life.

Go Mexican Giveaway!

  Who doesn’t love a mid-week giveaway? I sure do…especially when it’s something that I’d totally love for myself and it has something to do with Mexican food. Mexican food? I’m in heaven!  And thanks to Rudi’s Gluten Free Bakery, you can check out this really cool prize pack as seen in the photo on…

Review: Amazing Grass Green Superfoods

I’m sure you’ve heard your mother tell you to eat your greens.  Even now, all the nutrition talking heads tell you “Eat your greens!”, but for those whose days are spent constantly on-the-run with little time available for food prep and cooking, that statement might not ever become a reality. Eating greens might also not…

Mexican sauce salsa with ingredients

Gluten Free Salsa

Do you ever get tired of chopping everything? I do. And then there are moments when I just need to cut down on prep time. Well, this is my solution to a gluten free salsa recipe.  And boy, is it super easy and delicious! It goes great paired with some yummy guacamole or you can top…

Review: Clean by Alejandro Junger, MD

Many of us are confounded by the people who seem to unlock some secret and reboot their bodies.  It would be nice, right?  I’d have to agree especially since dealing with food sensitivities (or in another’s situation of say, celiac), a good nice reboot would be fabulous. Your body (and mine too) gets tired, sluggish…