Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist, the founder of + the host of the Healthy Skin Show. She works with women who are fed up with chronic gut and skin rash issues discover the root causes and create a plan to get them back to a fuller, richer life.
If you know me, you know that I love salads, and my Apple Cashew Salad Recipe is definitely at the top of my list! It’s actually perfect for any season of the year (though for some reason I tend to make it more in the Autumn). Pairing together apples and crunchy cashews, this is one…
Have you caught yourself wondering “Do I have SIBO?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s becoming a more common question as people get fed up with the lame “You just have IBS” response from GI doctors. Especially since many aren’t getting any help at all from their doctors.spending years suffering because your doctor didn’t want…
Have you laid in bed hoping to fall asleep, but sleep seems the furthermost thing from your mind? Often attributed to adrenal fatigue, nighttime restlessness is a serious problem that even I struggled with. The answer? This Sleepy Milk Recipe. Passed down to me by an Ayurvedic practitioner and then altered to avoid casein, this…
There’s an interesting overlap to MTHFR, Methylation, and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. One that should not be overlooked or ignored. Methylation and Hashimoto’s are two big topics on their own, but I wanted to know if some sort of connection exists. If so, then hypothyroid suffers should know because methylation challenges should really be addressed as part…
Your rash won’t go away… Horrible reddish patches of itchy, flaky skin just looking to be triggered any moment now are wrecking your life. Beach or pool time? Nope. Exercise? Sorry… sweat probably makes it worse (and then you’ll have to shower sooner which dries it out even more). Summer heat? Save me! I get…
One of my most favorite easy meals is slow cooker balsamic shredded beef! The reason it’s so easy is because it comes come with a laundry list of ingredients or steps in order to churn out some ridiculously delicious meat. While I enjoy cooking, I don’t have a ton of time. Recipes like this one…
Chronic diarrhea is the worst! (I know personally from experience.) If you still have diarrhea even after going gluten free, stop scratching your head and feeling baffled about what could be causing it. Allow me to set the record straight, a gluten free diet isn’t the end all, be all of digestive problems. It won’t…
If you’ve ever asked your doctor if your diet could help you feel better only to be told no, keep reading. Today’s podcast is about the truly inspiring and remarkable journey of Linda. She decided to give functional nutrition a try after spending 35+ years going to doctors to figure out how she could get…
Have you ever wondered how your mouth could be affected by gluten? The answer is yes, and there are gluten intolerance mouth symptoms that you can look for in the mirror. You can also have your dentist look for them at your next dental appointment. Believe it or not, dentists are pretty well versed on…