Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is an integrative Clinical Nutritionist, the founder of + the host of the Healthy Skin Show. She works with women who are fed up with chronic gut and skin rash issues discover the root causes and create a plan to get them back to a fuller, richer life.
That’s the question I was left with after watching his truly astounding interview with Jennifer Esposito. If you are in the dark about the backstory of why he was interviewing Jennifer, here’s your quick recap: Jennifer has celiac and was an actress staring on CBS’ Blue Bloods TV show. She was hired to act in…
Unless you’ve got a nut allergy, almond milk is one of the best dairy alternatives out there. It’s incredibly easy-to-make and has a similar consistency to that of milk. You can also flavor it however you like, should you choose to do so. Now you could go out and buy pre-made almond milk which is…
Counting down the days until Turkey day, holidays like this can make you cringe. Maybe you get nervous about what you’re going to eat. Maybe you worry that someone in your family will accidentally contaminate every single dish making you a victim of being glutened (even in your own home!). Or perhaps you fear getting…
One of my favorite things to make in the cooler months is gluten free crock pot chicken soup. It’s such an easy recipe that I can assemble the dish in ten minutes or less before I go to bed. But this gluten free crock pot chicken soup isn’t just any old soup. It’s incredibly flavorful,…
For a long time, I was a supporter of eating whole grains like brown rice. It seems like the first most obvious go-to health food that people diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity run toward. It’s non-offensive, easy to find in the grocery store, and pretty widely liked as far as grains go. But…
Welcome to November — the month of Gratitude! It’s one of my favorite months of the year and offers us the opportunity to step back and see the blessings around us. Though the idea of ‘seeing the blessings’ around you might be difficult for some who are truly struggling and suffering because of life circumstances…
If you haven’t heard, Hurricane Sandy is on her way headed straight toward the mid-atlantic East Coast. I’m located in Philadelphia and, after finding out that the direct hit of the storm is coming about an hour south of here, I started to actually become alarmed. Don’t worry… I’m prepared. The only thing I’m…
First you gave up gluten, and now you’re asking me to give up dairy? Are you crazy? Let’s back up a sec. In 2008, I was diagnosed with multiple food sensitivities which also included dairy. Not the lactose problem that everyone so commonly thinks of, but more like the casein side of things. If lactose…
There are times when I’m irked to no end about the problems and pitfalls that lie in plain view of anyone going gluten-free. Though you might not see them, I do (all the time) because of my work through Gluten Free School. I’m often annoyed when attending celiac events at the immense focus on…
As you may have noticed, it’s been rather quiet on the GFS front. At least that’s how it may appear to all of you NOT inside the Gluten-Free Sugar Cleanse! We’re heading into the diet part of the cleanse and I’ve been completely inspired by everyone’s commitment to learn more about sugar, where it’s hiding…